Risk Management Guru

Value and Resilience Through Better Risk Management

McKinsey has published an insightful article that explores the value and resilience organisations can achieve, by implementing better and solid Risk Management.

The first key point that comes to mind as explained by the authors (Daniela Gius, Jean-Christophe MieszalaErnestos Panayiotou, and Thomas Poppensieker), is that “although the risk environment is growing more perilous and costly, leading companies are blazing a path to resilience and value by embedding strategic risk capabilities throughout the organization”. This is in fact true and we are already seeing many firms aligning  their strategic approach around risk management, as well as with the decision making process.

As a result of their in-depth study, the authors have found that new types of digitised firms are exploiting the changes which are being constantly presented by technology advancements. On the other hand, this new complex environment is changing at an accelerating pace, introducing new risks of cyberattacks and breaches of new kinds.

On the other hand, the article also highlights that there is still progress to be made in regards to Risk Management at nonfinancial companies. The study concludes that these firms are not keeping the pace in regards to their risk management systems and controls while this evolution is happening. And many firms still fail to understand that this is a crucial topic for the boards of directors and senior executives.

Key Findings

In our view, these are McKinsey’s Global Board Survey for 2017 most relevant key findings:

Wrap Up

In the rapid fast paced world we live today, companies are facing an ever-growing risk environment. Different and adapted approaches to Risk Management must be adopted, based on lessons learned from the past.

The path to risk resilience that is emerging is an effort, led by the board and senior management, to establish the right risk profile and appetite. Success depends on the support of a thriving risk culture and state-of-the-art crisis preparedness and response. Far from minimal regulatory adherence and loss avoidance, the optimal approach to risk management consists of fundamentally strategic capabilities, deeply embedded across the organization.

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Article webpage: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/risk/our-insights/value-and-resilience-through-better-risk-management